Rooming-in with Your Baby
Here at Merit Health Natchez, we encourage rooming-in – that means you can have your baby with you at all times.
Rooming in can allow you to strengthen the bond with your baby right after the birth and to establish a strong emotional attachment. You can hold, stroke, cuddle and breastfeed your baby whenever you want.
Rooming-in can also allow you to get to know your baby more quickly, respond to his or her needs immediately and help you to understand your baby's cues and cries.
Parents are the most important caregivers for their new baby, and should be an integral part in the planning of their baby's care.
We are here to support you in caring for your baby. The nursing staff can assist you in bathing, dressing and caring for your baby. This can all be carried out in your room.
The specialized nursing staff also is here to offer advice and help with breastfeeding. Rooming-in promotes breastfeeding and and simplify the process by allowing you to feed your baby at any time and as often and as long as he or she wants.
To learn more about the benefits of rooming-in and rooming-in safety precautions, please download our brochure.