Know the Signs
Tummies gurgle, cramp, growl and bloat, and that's just the beginning. A variety of medical conditions cause stomach discomfort.
The most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is heartburn — a burning sensation in the throat or chest caused by stomach contents traveling back up into the esophagus. Avoiding trigger foods, such as alcohol, chocolate and tomatoes, may help alleviate symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe acid blockers and proton pump inhibitors, which often alleviate symptoms entirely.
Constipation causes infrequent, hard, dry bowel movements that are difficult to pass. Eating a low-fiber diet, being inactive, not drinking enough water, taking certain medications and having specific medical conditions can cause constipation. Changing your lifestyle may help alleviate symptoms.
The buildup of certain substances in bile causes gallstones — hardened particles that can cause blockages in the biliary tract. Most reside in the gallbladder and cause no symptoms, but if they get too large, they can put pressure on the gallbladder and cause pain or more serious issues. Properly managing diseases such as diabetes, eating a healthful, high-fiber diet and avoiding obesity can help prevent gallstones.
Stomach Friendly Foods
When tummy trouble strikes, choose simple, natural foods that aid digestion. Skip rich, fatty and spicy foods, and avoid alcohol, chocolate and most milk products. Instead, opt for:
- Apples: A good source of pectin, which can firm up bowel movements. Try baked apples or applesauce, which are easier to digest.
- Bananas: An easily digestible food that's also a good source of pectin
- Ginger: A traditional antinausea remedy
- Oat bran: A fiber-rich and heart-healthy food
- Papaya: A fruit that promotes a healthy acidic environment in the gut and is a naturally good source of papain, a digestive enzyme that helps break down food
- Plain yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics, which help replenish the healthy "good" bacteria in the digestive tract
- Rice or plain bread: All add bulk and absorb fluids to keep things moving